Why Techcited!

"I am thrilled to have someone doing this stuff for me..."

Can you say this about the techs that you work with?

Do you even have techs that you work with? Or,  are you a small business owner who is trying to take care of your tech stuff by yourself?

If you answer yes to either of these questions then you need to Get Techcited!

Speak Geek?

We don't. At least not to you and your employees.
(That is, unless you want us to.)

We don't babble on about VPNs and VLANS and CPU cycles. We talk to you in YOUR language. About problems that YOU have. We come up with real solutions that work for you and YOUR business.

In fact, we don't do a lot of talking. We do ask a lot of questions. That way we learn about YOUR business. So that we can make it run better.

Get Techcited!

 We have experience helping more than 150 small businesses with their technology. Every day, we make them work better, faster, more efficiently. And we are always on the lookout for ways to make them work even better.

So, if it is just two PCs that you want to share a couple of files with, or if it is an office of 30 employees with 5 of them working  from home, we can help you out.

Call us! Get Techcited!

Suite 275
700 Commerce Drive
Woodbury MN 55125
Phone: 651.405.1100
E-mail: info@techcited.com